Preserve and Protect St. Augustine
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Investigative reporter on environmental, government reform and human and civil rights issues investigating local wrongdoing and helping win more than 55 public interest victories in Our Nation's Oldest City, St. Augustine and St. Johns County, Florida since 2005.
Called an "environmental hero" by Folio Weekly, 2008. Decades-long history of activism and righting wrongs -- from exposing Oak Ridge, Tennessee mercury pollution by Y-12 nuclear weapons plant (largest mercury pollution event in world history) to advocacy for GLBT rights and whistleblowers to ten years of activism in St. Augustine.
Lots of positive change here in St. Augustine since 2005.
Yes we can!
Here's the July 11, 2016 video of my visit to St. Johns County Attorney Patrick McCormack, seeking a pubilc record withheld for two years needed to get justice for Michelle O'Connell:
Here's a photo summary of the last decade:
Here's my 10 minute talk to County Commision about the St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore:
Here's the Folio Weekly article about our mayor, defeated for re-election as a result of my investigation of his no-bid commerial lease with another former mayor: http://folioweekly.com/THE-BLOGGER-THE-LEASE-AND-THE-ST-AUGUSTINE-MAYORS-RACE,10719
Here's my column from May 3, 2014 St. Augustine Record, "The Bohemians have won," http://staugustine.com/opinions/2014-05-03/guest-column-bohenmians-have-won
Here's the website for the proposed St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore, and some of my columns: www.staugustgreen.com
Here's my blogs: www.cleanupcityofstaugustine.blogspot.com
Here's the 2013 New York Times obituary on my former client, Oak Ridge National Laboratory whistleblower C.D. Varnadore, and the Times' initial 1992 article: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/05/us/charles-d-varnadore-whistle-blower-at-nuclear-lab-dies-at-71.html?_r=0
Here's my 2013 column on surprising Gay rights victories in once-very-conservative St. Augustine: http://staugustine.com/opinions/2013-02-09/guest-column-acceptance-gays-sign-countys-growing-tolerance-sophistication#.U3xDoL-tphA
Here's my recent takes on stopping 7-Eleven destroying historic area: http://staugustine.com/opinions/2014-03-29/letter-oh-thank-heaven-no-7-eleven#.U3xE_L-tphA
Here's my take on how we can fight Florida corruption: http://staugustine.com/opinions/2013-03-27/letter-how-we-people-can-fight-corruption-state
Here's my column in tribute to my mentor, environmental activist Robin Nadeau: http://staugustine.com/opinions/2012-02-05-0#.U3xFaL-tphA
Here's my column that helped to end Sunshine violations on our 450th celebration: http://staugustine.com/opinions/2011-01-29/guest-column-first-america-foundation-isnt-operating-sunshine#.U3xF7r-tphA
Here's how we helped open the Federal 450th Commemoration Commission to public participation at its first meeting: http://staugustine.com/opinions/2011-07-07/letter-let-public-speak-450th-meeting#.U3xGI7-tphA
Here's a cool supportive November 2006 editorial about me in the St. Augustine Record -- after I was attacked for asking too many questions -- and three supportive tributes [by two former clients, retired Special Agent Robert E. Tyndall and Hanford nuclear weapons plant environmental whistleblower Edwin L. Bricker, and my former boss, retired U.S. Department of Labor Chief Administrative Law Judge Nahum Litt (1979-1995)]: http://staugustine.com/stories/111906/opinions_if83a3k.shtml
Here's my column in tribute to my mentor, KKK-buster Stetson Kennedy:
Here's one of my columns on government reform: http://staugustine.com/stories/090907/opinions_008.shtml
Here's one of my columns on reforming City Hall:
Here's my 2011 column on civility and raising the quality of debate: http://staugustine.com/opinions/2011-11-05/guest-column-civility-raise-quality-debate-lower-voices#.U3xJXb-tphA
Here's my 2008 column on our unanimous St. Augustine City Commission victory, reversing plans to return 40,000 cubic yards of contaminated solid waste (illegally dumped in Old City Reservoir in West Augustine African-American neighborhood) to historic African-American community of Lincolnville in 2000 dump trucks, with thirteen feet of dirt to be piled on top and called a "park": http://staugustine.com/stories/052508/opinions_052508_071.shtml
Called an "environmental hero" by Folio Weekly, 2008. Decades-long history of activism and righting wrongs -- from exposing Oak Ridge, Tennessee mercury pollution by Y-12 nuclear weapons plant (largest mercury pollution event in world history) to advocacy for GLBT rights and whistleblowers to ten years of activism in St. Augustine.
Lots of positive change here in St. Augustine since 2005.
Yes we can!
Here's the July 11, 2016 video of my visit to St. Johns County Attorney Patrick McCormack, seeking a pubilc record withheld for two years needed to get justice for Michelle O'Connell:
Here's a photo summary of the last decade:
Here's my 10 minute talk to County Commision about the St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore:
Here's the Folio Weekly article about our mayor, defeated for re-election as a result of my investigation of his no-bid commerial lease with another former mayor: http://folioweekly.com/THE-BLOGGER-THE-LEASE-AND-THE-ST-AUGUSTINE-MAYORS-RACE,10719
Here's my column from May 3, 2014 St. Augustine Record, "The Bohemians have won," http://staugustine.com/opinions/2014-05-03/guest-column-bohenmians-have-won
Here's the website for the proposed St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore, and some of my columns: www.staugustgreen.com
Here's my blogs: www.cleanupcityofstaugustine.blogspot.com
Here's the 2013 New York Times obituary on my former client, Oak Ridge National Laboratory whistleblower C.D. Varnadore, and the Times' initial 1992 article: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/05/us/charles-d-varnadore-whistle-blower-at-nuclear-lab-dies-at-71.html?_r=0
Here's my 2013 column on surprising Gay rights victories in once-very-conservative St. Augustine: http://staugustine.com/opinions/2013-02-09/guest-column-acceptance-gays-sign-countys-growing-tolerance-sophistication#.U3xDoL-tphA
Here's my recent takes on stopping 7-Eleven destroying historic area: http://staugustine.com/opinions/2014-03-29/letter-oh-thank-heaven-no-7-eleven#.U3xE_L-tphA
Here's my take on how we can fight Florida corruption: http://staugustine.com/opinions/2013-03-27/letter-how-we-people-can-fight-corruption-state
Here's my column in tribute to my mentor, environmental activist Robin Nadeau: http://staugustine.com/opinions/2012-02-05-0#.U3xFaL-tphA
Here's my column that helped to end Sunshine violations on our 450th celebration: http://staugustine.com/opinions/2011-01-29/guest-column-first-america-foundation-isnt-operating-sunshine#.U3xF7r-tphA
Here's how we helped open the Federal 450th Commemoration Commission to public participation at its first meeting: http://staugustine.com/opinions/2011-07-07/letter-let-public-speak-450th-meeting#.U3xGI7-tphA
Here's a cool supportive November 2006 editorial about me in the St. Augustine Record -- after I was attacked for asking too many questions -- and three supportive tributes [by two former clients, retired Special Agent Robert E. Tyndall and Hanford nuclear weapons plant environmental whistleblower Edwin L. Bricker, and my former boss, retired U.S. Department of Labor Chief Administrative Law Judge Nahum Litt (1979-1995)]: http://staugustine.com/stories/111906/opinions_if83a3k.shtml
Here's my column in tribute to my mentor, KKK-buster Stetson Kennedy:
Here's one of my columns on government reform: http://staugustine.com/stories/090907/opinions_008.shtml
Here's one of my columns on reforming City Hall:
Here's my 2011 column on civility and raising the quality of debate: http://staugustine.com/opinions/2011-11-05/guest-column-civility-raise-quality-debate-lower-voices#.U3xJXb-tphA
Here's my 2008 column on our unanimous St. Augustine City Commission victory, reversing plans to return 40,000 cubic yards of contaminated solid waste (illegally dumped in Old City Reservoir in West Augustine African-American neighborhood) to historic African-American community of Lincolnville in 2000 dump trucks, with thirteen feet of dirt to be piled on top and called a "park": http://staugustine.com/stories/052508/opinions_052508_071.shtml
Edward Adelbert Slavin
St. Augustine, FL